On a Wednesday evening February 12, 1997, a group of twelve burdened Christians met in a local home for a Bible study where they studied the scriptures, prayed and earnestly sought the will of God for their lives.
These twelve believers continued to meet but moved their meeting time to Thursday evening in order not to interfere with other local churches meeting on Wednesday evenings. The group of twelve began to grow in number and after a month of meeting and much prayer decided the Lord was leading them to start a new church.
This group chose to name the new church Crossroads Baptist Church, believing they were at a Crossroads in their lives.
The new congregation moved from the living room of that local home and began meeting in an upstairs room in a local restaurant, then to a local storefront before building the current sanctuary several years later.
Since then, Crossroads Baptist Church has become known for its Christian love for God and the brethren,it’s heart for missions and its commitment to biblical teaching.
Our goal is to glorify God by fulfilling His Great Commission as instructed by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28: 16-20 and obeying His Great Commandment as given in Matthew 22:25-40.
Crossroads Baptist Church strives to be salt and light to this generation for the glory of God our Father.